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A little update to the earlier post… Come to the meeting prepared to sign up and pay for ($15) the retreat coming up on Saturday, September 26th, at Moxie Junction in Maize! It’s going to be delightful!! and you won’t want to miss this new venue!! Also… we have heard back from Ashley with Bridgett’s Cradles and they are in need of 9″ and 10″ cradles and gender neutral colors; white, cream and pastel yellow were her requests.

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Monthly Meetings ~ August 17th

Hey, all you Crochet Guild members! Our monthly meeting takes place on Monday, August 17th at 10am and again at 6:30 pm at the Picket Fence on W. Central (you should know the place by now!) Bring your WIP (work in progress) to work on, and all the things you want to show off that have already been completed! We love seeing the projects for ideas and motivation!

We will probably be wrapping up our Purple Baby Hat “push” since we are already over our set goal… however, don’t let that stop you from whipping up a few more in between now and then, to top off our collection. We were at 908 at the last meeting. The committed members that meet faithfully, every Monday at Kaye’s house, and especially Kaye need to be applauded for their efforts to set a goal, reach that goal and still keep on stitching, because they still have time! We are excited to see what the final number will be!

And continuing the topic of charities, it was talked about amongst this same committee, that instead of working with the baby hats through September, we would ask that the members that love to do charity work, would put their efforts toward Bridgett’s Cradles. Our yearly commitment is 15 monthly or 180 total. Naturally we don’t need to do more then 15 each month, but we know that they were running short on certain sizes (9″ cradles) and we think that it would be a real blessing to them if we could hand them as many as we could pull together between now and our September meeting!

And for all those new members and visitors… we’re excited to see you again! If you’ve visited and want to come back again, please do!! You have two meetings to attend before you need to officially join! And… at this point in the year, you pay a prorate for the year’s membership! It’s a bargain!!

So everyone… show up this next Monday to get in on all the details of upcoming events and activities!! Looking forward to seeing you there!!!