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Ladies of KS My Stitch,

I am contacting you to pass on sad news for two of our dear guild sisters, Tamara and Jackie. They lost their brother earlier today to heart failure. I ask that you keep them and the members of their family, and the family of their brother in your thoughts and prayers.

I believe that Tamara has posted on her blog. I do not have information regarding services or wishes are at this time, but will make them known when available.

To Tamara and Jackie,

We are so terribly sorry for your loss and our thoughts, prayers and friendship are yours at this time.

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Christmas Party!

The December Guild meeting, 12/20/10 will be held in the same location as last year,

The Alford Branch Library

Please bring a covered dish of your choice, either a main dish, vegetable, or dessert for our annual potluck dinner. We have 37 guild members this year, I hope all can attend.

There will be only one meeting: The dinner starts at 6:00 and ends at 8:00.

There will be a white elephant gift exchange. A white elephant gift is something that you do not use, but that is in nice condition and would be something someone else would love to receive as a gift. It can be an item that you make or supply/tool/book for example.
Please wrap your gift as we will be drawing numbers and the gifts are selected and unwrapped one at a time and the person next in line can either choose the gift opened prior to her turn, one that someone else opened earlier on, or choose an unopened gift. Gifts can only be selected/traded or “stolen” 2 times. This was fun to participate in last year and can be lots of laughs as we are many of us interested in similar items!

We will also be giving away door prizes, if you want to bring something: it is much appreciated, either a handmade item or supply or item someone would enjoy receiving, these do not have to be wrapped. We will also be installing the new officers for the upcoming year and celebrating with friends.

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Tree House Charity Scarf and Sock Challenge Update

Dear Members and Friends,

We well exceeded our goal of 85 scarves and 85 pairs of socks for the Tree House. I’m so proud and excited to share with you our delivery of the 97 scarves and 127 pairs of socks to the lovely ladies at Tree House; Crystal and Renee were there to greet us and Crystal was kind enough to show us around their wonderful facility. Here are some of the hightlights of our trip to Tree House. Thank you to all who participated and made this a reality.

Crystal was shocked to find out that we had well over 85 scarves and socks to donate for their upcoming Christmas party.

We enjoyed meeting Crystal and Renee.

The Tree House store.

Organized bins of donated items.

It was fun to see some of the KS My Stitch donated blankets that we had crocheted around.
This is one of their classrooms where they instruct the mother’s on important things on how to care for their children. She showed us an art project that they had worked on and helped the mothers make their children aprons with their names painted on them.
Here’s a group of volunteers that come in once a month to help with sorting the donated items. Crystal called them their Westlink ladies. It was very nice to meet all of them and Crystal pointed out that they are truly a blessing to the Tree House.
These are two more blessings to the Tree House; Barbara and Carl Patton. Barbara puts together 30 gift bags every month and donates them to the Tree House. What a blessing it was to meet her and Carl; they drive from McPherson, Kansas every month to donate 30 of these beautiful gift bags.
Barbara crochets 30 blankets, 30 sweaters, and 30 pairs of booties and places a bib, a pair of socks and a onesie in each of her giftbags. Here’s a picture of the contents of one of her donated bags.

Crystal is explaining how the Tree House takes in donations and how they welcome volunteers too.