Posted in Amigurami owl or mouse

April meeting and program notes:

April Guild meeting, Monday 4/18/11, at Twist Yarn Shoppe from 10:00 am to Noon and again from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Enter through the back door. Keep in mind other businesses are open, use the parking lot for the ball park if needed. Susie Kilgroe will give a program on the popular crochet art of Amigurumi, which is a dense crochet technique used to create animal, character, or dolls. Cori and Pam will be available to help. There are two small animal shape patterns to chose from: Mouse color ideas: Grey, Pink, White, yarn OR get wild and bright. Owlcolor ideas: Tan, Beige, Grey, Black, Yellow, Ivory yarn OR get creative!

  1. You will need the following supplies Bring the color and any weight of yarn you want to use (worsted or DK, Sport) and a hook that is much smaller than the yarn calls for (F, C, E, D, E are recommended to create a small, dense crochet).
  2. Needle and embroidery floss Pink for Mouse, Black for Owl to make details.
  3. Safety eyes
  4. Scissors
  5. Poly fill or 1/2″ x 1/2″ squares of cut up recycled Tshirts for stuffing.

Also, if you are participating in the Secret Sister event, remember to bring something. There will be a box/basket in the snack room to put the gift in. Don’t forget Show -n- Share! If you would like to, bring an item to be included in the door prizes: Stash yarn, dish cloths, odd hooks, or gently used patterns, books or magazines. Hospitality crew: Thank you in advance for helping! As always, anyone is invited to bring treats. LeeAnn Mulford & JoAn Holmes, AMStephanie Macera, PM