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AUGUST 17, 2009 Regular Meeting

This month our program was Crochet Edging. Wendy furnished handouts of some exquisite edgings, which allowed us to practice reading crochet charts as well. Thank you, Wendy! Our Show & Share session was wonderful; so many beautiful creations, so much talent. Be sure to click on the pictures below to see them in a larger size.

AND… (drumroll, please)

How exciting is that? Kudos to all of you who make our visitors feel so welcome that they want to join us! Keep it up, ladies and gentleman (a.k.a. Strawberry Bob).
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Program: This month we were delighted to have Shelly Stilger, owner of Twist Yarn Shop, tell us all about felting. Shelly touched on needle felting briefly, then went on to explain the best yarns for felting, how and why the fabric felts, what you can do with your felted projects, how to block them, and much, much more!! Thank you, Shelly, for a very interesting and inspiring presentation. For those of you in the morning meeting who did not receive Shelly’s handout, here is a link to that information:

We had a total of 39 members and guests at both meetings agan this month; that is our second highest attendance. We are growing, thanks to you all spreading the word, and thanks to Tamara for being such a dynamic leader and enthusiastic representative of all things crochet. Leisure Arts is sending Tamara to the “Knit and Crochet Show” in Buffalo, NY in August, as their representative for Crochet Soiree; you all know by now that Tamara writes the blog for Leisure Arts’ Crochet Soiree website: Wish her well!!
Kudos to our own graphic artist and chapter Vice President, Wendy, for our new chapter logo! Isn’t it awesome? You can see it on the left side of this page, directly above the CGOA logo. Thank you for a great job, Wendy!!